The Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, Resident Electoral Commissioner for Osun, Dr Mutiu Agboke has reiterated that getting the election process right in Nigeria was the duty of every citizen.

Agboke made the assertion during a courtesy visit to the Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU, Ile-Ife, Vice Chancellor, Prof. Simeon Bamire on Thursday.

Agboke, who said his visit was borne out of a need to seek for more areas of collaboration with the university, also commended the lecturers for their performance during the 2023 general elections.

The academic staff of the institution worked as INEC adhoc staff during the 2022 gubernatorial election and the 2023 general elections.

Calling for more collaboration between the Commission and the institution’s academic staff, Agboke added that there was a need to think out of the box in order to get it right.

In his words, “We are here to tell you we appreciate the institutions’ members of the academia who worked with us during the gubernatorial and general elections.

“I urge more collaboration from the institution. We want more collaboration, engagement, stakeholders’ enlightenment in order for us to get it right

“Nobody can do it for us. We have to think out of the box for us to get it right.”

Earlier, the OAU VC, Prof Bamire said INEC was an important component of what Nigerians looked up to.

He declared that he was happy with INEC’s achievements even though Nigerians were not generally happy about some happening in the country.

He commended the efforts of INEC and assured that the university was in support and would be available when the need arose.

Getting election process right duty of every Nigerian – Osun REC, Agboke

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