The Adamawa State chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, has inaugurated its elected executives.

The new executives, to be in office for five years, include Rev Joel Danjuma Manzo, Chairman; Rev Victor Saje, Vice Chairman; Rev Emeka Obionyo, Secretary; Rev Gambo Bupwada, Assistant Secretary; and Rev Malacy Wache, Treasurer.

Also inaugurated during the ceremony which took place at St Monica Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria, LCCN, in Jimeta, Yola, included departmental sub-heads of the association – Barrister Victor Eze as Director, Legal and Public Affairs; and Pastor Ishaku Shehu, Director, State Issues and Welfare.

Others were Evangelist Haruna Donge as Director for Planning, Research and Strategy, while David Simon Dzalla will serve as Director of Education, Women and Youths.

Presiding over the inauguration ceremony, the National President of CAN, Archbishop Daniel Okoh, who was represented by the National Secretary, Prof Samson Fatokun, said CAN national headquarters was confident that the new executive members would perform well.

He urged them to be fair in the discharge of their duties.

The Adamawa State Deputy Governor, Professor Kaletapwa Farauta, who was represented by the State Commissioner of Women Affairs, Wunfe Anthony, called on religious leaders to continue promoting peaceful coexistence while the government provides necessary support for the new CAN executive members to succeed.

The new State CAN Chairman, Rev Joel Manzo, appealed to all people of the state to live in peace with one another.

He pledged his commitment towards consolidating on the legacies of the immediate past chairman of CAN in the state, Bishop Stephen Mamza who remains the Catholic Bishop of Yola.

CAN inaugurates new Adamawa executive members

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