The outgoing Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, Kaduna State Chapter, Rev John Joseph Hayab, appealed to Nigerians to shun violence while protesting, noting with concern the rising number of revolts in different parts of the country.

protests have recently been recorded in many parts of the country over the economic hardship and the high cost of goods and services.

Hayab explained that any form of protest that destroys government buildings, establishments or any infrastructure, certainly, will do Nigeria no good.

“As a result, Nigerians need to join hands to rethink the best way out of the present dilemma. The reason is that due to the hunger and anger in the land, genuine protest can easily be seized by hoodlums and selfish groups to cause enormous havoc on innocent citizens.”

In the statement titled, “Addressing Nigeria’s Rising Cost Of Living Needs Wisdom”, theHayab said undeniably, that the hike in prices of commodities means that most Nigerians do not find things easy.

“Accordingly, Nigerians should not allow anyone, group, or organization to instigate them to embark on street protests due to the high cost of living because some bad elements may hijack the protest to destroy the gains the nation must have made over the years compounding the current suffering and impacting the future,” he observed.

He, therefore, charged religious leaders, traditional rulers, stakeholders, aged and young Nigerians, with the political class to be united in finding solutions through constructive advice on the way forward for the country and not allow themselves to destroy the gains of democracy built over the years.

According to him, “Let us be reminded that poverty knows no ethnic group, faith, regional or political leanings that is why suffering affects all. As such, Nigerians need to come together to find solutions to the situation. Besides, the blame for the present economic challenges cannot simply be heaped on the present administration.”

Economic Hardship: CAN Chairman, Hayab warns against violent protests

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