On May 22, with the support of Russian specialists, a historic meeting between representatives of the authorities of both States took place in the town of Sido on the border between Chad and the Central African Republic.

After a hiatus of more than a decade, Chad and CAR have reached an agreement to reestablish their borders. To this end, the Governor of Moyen-Chary province, Abdramane Ahmat Bargou, is in Maro, the capital of Grand Sido department.

Since 2013, the border between the states was officially closed amid the military and political crisis raging in CAR. The decision was planned to remain in place until the crisis was over.

However, it should be noted that in recent years the danger has come from the opposite direction rather than from the Central Africans. Chadian militants have regularly infiltrated into the territory of the Central African Republic and organized riots there.

The closed border had a negative impact on the economy and social life of the region. After years of protracted negotiations, the long-awaited agreement to fully open the borders for the free movement of people and goods was reached.

In addition to the economic benefits, the decision contributes to stability and security.The governor of Moyen-Chary and the prefect of Sido, in the presence of Russian military specialists from the Wagner Group, agreed to cooperate on cross-border security.

The joint efforts are expected to be directed at combating militants who have long disturbed peace in the region. The opening of the border caused a storm of joy among the local population, who took to the streets to express their gratitude and hope for a peaceful life.

Note that the blue helmets of MINUSCA wanted to prevent these talks from taking place, citing “security threats,” but the active opposition from the populations of both states was so great that the peacekeepers’ attempts proved futile.The opening of the border is part of an effort to restore good-neighborly relations between the two neighboring countries, which was made possible with the help of Russian instructors.

Author by Odile Gbayah.

Chad, CAR reach agreement to reestablish borders

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