The cryptocurrency industry is going through a period of heavy regulation. The creator of the FTX exchange, Sam Benkman-Fried, is already serving a prison sentence, and the head of Binance, Changpeng Zhao, faces three years in prison, including for concealing transactions towards Hamas, al-Qaeda and ISIS. Industry giants Coinbase, Tron and Ripple have also found themselves in the crosshairs of regulators, along with dozens of other crypto companies.

Centralized exchanges have already experienced regulatory pressure, but this has not been enough. Decentralized exchanges (DEX) are of particular interest to regulators. Now the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has its sights set on Uniswap, whose trading volumes are comparable to the giant Binance. However, trying to curb decentralized exchanges may turn out to be a waste of effort, because their philosophy is built on different principles.

In this article, we will look at what makes decentralized exchanges so special and why they have become the focus of regulatory attention. We will reveal the strengths and weaknesses of DEXs, potential regulatory vectors, and how this entire process could affect the future of the cryptocurrency sector.

Control cоmes first
As you know, the US authorities are trying to establish control over various areas, but in the case of cryptocurrencies, which are becoming increasingly widespread, this is not an easy task. Lado Okhotnikov, a founder of the Meta Force metaverse, ironically points out this situation.

“Tether, the issuer of the USDT stablecoin, has long overtaken Visa and Mastercard in terms of transaction volume, but they are not particularly concerned about reporting to government agencies, since they came under the wing of the FBI,” stated Lado Okhotnikov.

In 2022, Tether processed a whopping $18.2 trillion worth of transactions, while Visa and Mastercard handled $14.1 trillion and $7.7 trillion in transactions, respectively, over the same period, trailing the issuer of USDT.

Experts believe that the cryptocurrency market has recently improved greatly. The regulator’s current proceedings with large crypto companies will only encourage the latter to completely switch to decentralized management.

According to analysts, the progress in mastering distributed registry technologies is already irreversible – blockchain is firmly entrenched in the so-called “new financial system,” which was previously in the shadow of the traditional banking sector, and now generates multi-billion dollar parallel cash flows.

Many exchanges will likely begin to look for more lenient jurisdictions outside the United States. The FTX collapse demonstrated that the crypto industry is capable of weathering large-scale shocks. At the moment, the course is focused on the countries of the Pacific region, among which India, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia occupy leading positions in the development of cryptocurrencies.

Percentage of cryptocurrency users

in the Asia-Pacific region in 2022,

distributed by country.

According to expert Lado Okhotnikov, Africa was not taken into account here, which has a number of competitive advantages for the development of the crypto industry. The current situation in the US cryptocurrency market, where there is increased regulation, opens up additional opportunities for the African region to become a leader in the digital economy through the harmonious introduction of blockchain into the financial system.

However, in order not to miss this chance, Africa needs to develop a balanced approach to regulation, the expert notes. By finding the right balance between stimulating the development of this promising industry and a reasonable level of control, countries in this region will be able to maximize their potential in the digital economy.

“One of the options for the development of the crypto industry will be the departure of startups under the wing of decentralized exchanges. There they will be able to realize their potential without fear of unnecessary pressure on business,” emphasized Lado Okhotnikov.

Lado Okhotnikov is working on creating a decentralized exchange for his virtual reality project Meta Force. According to the expert, choosing a decentralized exchange for listing the native token of the Forcecoin platform carries much lower risks for users than placing coins on centralized sites. The reason is that in the case of centralized exchanges, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has an additional reason to accuse the project of illegally selling tokens as securities.

This is why Meta Force deliberately avoided seed rounds and initial coin offerings (ICOs) for investors. Decentralized exchanges allow you to circumvent this problem and minimize regulatory risks for the project and its users.

Lado Okhotnikov about DEXs
I have long considered decentralized exchanges as a new stage in the development of the cryptocurrency economy.

As part of the scaling of our Meta Force virtual universe project, the team is preparing to launch a decentralized exchange. We have come to the understanding that users of our metaverse need a reliable tool for exchanging cryptocurrencies earned within the platform.

This issue is long overdue, as some want to purchase tokens to access products within the metaverse, while others want to sell earned coins, for example, for reinvestment. It is to meet these needs of Meta Force users that they are developing their own decentralized exchange.

The built-in DEX will allow the exchange of cryptocurrencies within our metaverse via P2P (direct exchange of tokens between users). That is, you will not need to contact third-party operators, which is very convenient. This will simplify the processes of buying and selling coins earned in Meta Force, as well as improve the usability of the platform.

In addition, the proprietary DEX will be integrated into the Metaverse ecosystem and become an integral part of it, ensuring smooth circulation of tokens between various Meta Force services and applications.

As for regulation, it is still completely unclear how the SEC will be able to hold those behind DEXs accountable. After all, there is nothing illegal in the fact that the project is trying to provide users with a full range of services in the cryptocurrency market.

Secondly, since DEXs operate on the blockchain, they cannot be completely shut down or stopped. The Commission may strive to establish control, but will obviously face significant difficulties along the way.

The advantage of decentralized exchanges is confidentiality. The transition to such exchanges also increases the protection of users, since many CEX users previously lost funds due to various types of exploits, including due to the low level of customer service. We have worked through these issues thoroughly, so the security of our service will be as high as possible.

Regulation will catch up with everyone
Of course, the words of Robert Cohen, the former head of the cyber division of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), are strongly condemned in the community. He once stated that a crypto exchange, whose activities are not controlled by the administration, will not be able to avoid responsibility. In his opinion, attention is paid not to technology, but to the functionality of the site, regardless of whether it is decentralized or not. It is important that this is still an exchange, he emphasized.

The SEC does not take into account what value cryptocurrency projects bring, or what goals are pursued by startups entering this market. Their main task is to ensure compliance with existing rules and the receipt of tax revenues from these activities in the future, even if this means using pressure and intimidation methods.

However, the question arises as to why projects should pay taxes to states under whose jurisdiction they are not located and from which they do not receive any support or assistance in their activities. Taxation assumes that the state creates favorable conditions for doing business, but in the case of many cryptocurrency projects this does not happen.

Then the actions of regulators should be regarded as an attempt to extract financial benefit from the industry, without providing it with any real benefits on their part in return. This gives rise to criticism of such approaches that put the interests of the state above the promotion of the development of promising technologies.

Since it is extremely difficult for regulators to directly monitor the activities of decentralized exchanges and their anonymous developers, the only option for the SEC may be to try to establish control over the underlying layer one (L1) networks on which these DEXs operate.

Vitaly Buterin, get ready: the SEC’s next target will be Ethereum
The most likely target this year and next will be the Ethereum blockchain, as it is the basis for many Layer-2 solutions – additional networks and protocols built on top of the main network for scale and optimization. An example of such an L2 network is the Polygon Network (formerly known as Matic – editorial example).

Establishing regulatory control over Ethereum could potentially allow the SEC to indirectly influence the operation of decentralized exchanges and DeFi applications deployed on the mainnet.

It can be assumed that the regulator’s actions will be primarily aimed at fulfilling the requirements for identifying developers, establishing rules for listing tokens, restrictions on the types of smart contracts, and so on. But at the same time, there is a great risk of undermining the very principles of decentralization and openness that underlie distributed ledger technology.

Therefore, we should not expect a balance between protecting investors and preserving the potential of the blockchain industry in the near future. We saw a tough approach, which only provoked an outflow of liquidity from CEXs in less regulated areas, which are DEXs.

Lado Okhotnikov: SEC Shifts Tactics – Decentralized Exchanges Under Scrutiny

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