The Yobe State government has been advised to establish a psychiatric hospital for the treatment of the growing number of people with ‘mental illness’ in the state.

Mohammed Bukar Gaje, a concerned citizen gave the advice on Wednesday following a recent study indicating that over 11% of Yothe be population suffers from some form of mental illness.

Gaje said it is disheartening to note that, despite having many people suffering from mental ill health, Yobe does not have a single psychiatric hospital to cater for them.

“The lack of a psychiatric hospital in Yobe State has a number of negative consequences.

“First, it means that people with mental illness are often left to suffer in silence. They may not seek treatment because they are ashamed of their condition or because they do not know where to go for help.

“Second, the lack of a psychiatric hospital can lead to homelessness and incarceration. People with mental illness who do not receive treatment are more likely to end up on the streets or in some isolated and dangerous areas.

“Third, the lack of a psychiatric hospital can have a negative impact on the economy and development of Yobe State. Mental illness can lead to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and increased crime rates”, he opined.

The concerned citizen then called on the state government to as a matter of urgent public importance establish a psychiatric hospital as doing so would be a wise investment in the health and well-being of Yobe citizens.

Yobe needs psychiatric hospitals for her mentally ill citizens – Concerned citizen

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